Acne: Unmasking the Causes and Effective Treatment Options
Acne, a widespread skin issue marked by pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, and blemishes on face, impacts millions globally.
Though commonly linked with teenagers, it can affect people of all ages. This article delves into acne’s causes and examines diverse treatment options for effective management.

Understanding Acne
Acne stems from a combination of factors, including heightened sebum production, blocked hair follicles, bacterial presence, and inflammation. Essential to acne development are the skin’s hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
These glands produce sebum to lubricate skin and hair, but when excess sebum combines with dead skin cells and bacteria, it obstructs follicles, prompting the emergence of acne lesions.
Several factors contribute to this process:
- Hormonal Fluctuations: Androgens, hormones that increase during puberty, stimulate oil production, leading to clogged pores. Acne is prevalent during the teenage years due to hormonal changes.
- Bacterial Growth: Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacteria thrive in the sebum-filled pores, triggering inflammation and redness.
- Genetics: Your susceptibility to acne can be hereditary. If your parents had acne, you have a higher chance of developing it.
- Certain Medications: Medications like corticosteroids and some birth control pills can contribute to acne breakouts.
- Diet: While not a direct cause, some studies suggest a link between a high-glycemic diet (sugary and processed foods) and acne flare-ups.
How to get rid of acne?
Acne treatment varies based on age, acne type, and severity. Options include oral medications, topical medications, and medicated therapies. The goal is to prevent new pimples and heal existing blemishes.
Best acne spot treatments include:
Over the counter (OTC) Products:
Common readily available treatments include alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.
These components work to clear pores, remove dead skin cells, and fight bacteria, aiding in the management of acne.
Prescription Medications: For moderate to severe acne, your dermatologist might prescribe stronger topical medications like retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) or antibiotics to reduce inflammation and oil production.
Hormonal Therapy: For women with hormonal imbalances contributing to acne, birth control pills with specific hormonal properties can be beneficial.
Light Therapy: Blue and red-light therapy targets acne bacteria and reduces inflammation, offering a non-invasive treatment option.
Chemical Peels: Chemical peels administered by professionals can effectively eliminate dead skin cells and unblock pores, resulting in a more radiant complexion. However, they may only be appropriate for some skin types due to the need for skilled application.
Laser Treatment
In BellaPhi at Sharjah, laser treatment for acne is standard, involving intense light to target affected areas.
The skin absorbs This light energy, converting it to heat and destroying oil glands linked to pores and follicles, thus decreasing the likelihood of future breakouts.
Additionally, their clinic offers advanced laser techniques such as the Fotona 4D and Plason treatments.
The Fotona 4D laser treatment offers long-lasting tightening and wrinkle reduction by stimulating collagen contraction, with results lasting up to two years. It’s adaptable and suitable for various skin types and concerns.
Plason acne treatment combines ultrasound and plasma energy to address acne, inflammation, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation and promotes skin regeneration and collagen production.
It’s a painless, non-invasive procedure that enhances skin sterilization, product absorption, and elasticity.
It’s particularly effective for acne and can be used on any skin type, providing a less invasive alternative to other skin rejuvenation methods like microneedling or injections.
Consistency is key! Acne treatment takes time and patience. Stick to your treatment regimen for optimal results.
Adopting a well-rounded lifestyle comprising nutritious eating habits, consistent physical activity, and sufficient sleep can significantly benefit the health of your skin.
Consult BellaPhi for a personalized treatment plan, especially for stubborn or severe acne. Their expert team offers personalized solutions with minimal discomfort, focusing on individual needs and skin types.
With a deep understanding of acne causes, they deliver outstanding results —Trust BellaPhi for safe and effective acne solutions.
Frequently Asked Questions About Acne
Salicylic acid is a standard OTC acne treatment known for its ability to unclog pores. While generally well-tolerated, it can cause dryness and irritation in some individuals.
Start with low concentration and consult a dermatologist if you experience persistent side effects.
The duration for a pimple to resolve varies depending on its size, severity, and individual skin characteristics.
On average, a pimple may take a few days to several weeks to heal completely.
Proper skincare and treatment can help expedite the healing process and minimize scarring.
Facial hair itself doesn’t directly cause acne. However, improper shaving techniques can irritate the skin and contribute to breakouts.
Minimize irritation by employing a clean, sharp razor and applying shaving cream.